Monday, August 19, 2013

Garage-sailing we go!

After a week and some change of going through all of our "stuff" in our garage, baking a ridiculous amount of treats, and putting on our first garage sale... 

I'd say we did decent.  Not too shabby, but there will be improvements for the next one {--fo sho'!}

I really had zero expectations going into it so I wouldn't be disappointed and I can honestly say....

I wasn't disappointed.

Fun story:
I had a darling older gentleman come by {early!} right as we were getting started and bought some mint fudge--recipe to show up under [Good Eats] shortly, as will the other baked goods that were too delicious to not eat snarf--one for him and the other for his wife.
As it was getting close to quittin' time he showed up again..  Blamed the stuffed dog in his truck for eating the other two and wanted more.  

Gotta say-that right there made my day.

Tips for future self:
  • Bigger signage.  I had put MEGA YARD SALE on a silly 8.5x11 was bright enough but it was not BIG enough.  I should have took a picture, but I was beyond mortified of my tiny MEGA sign next to huge poster boards... {good grief.}  It was kinda sad.

  • Price it--TO GO!  The prices I thought were a "good deal" weren't necessarily yard sale prices.  I cannot remember the last yard sale I've been to so my scale was somewhat off.   I was able to pocket a decent amount, but what I was really looking for in this sale was getting rid of everything..
Which I did not.

  • Don't make a silly amount of goodies.  I ate half of them as you can tell by my picture above.... My tummy hates me still.

Live and learn.  
You have some wise words to live and learn from for your next garage clearing sale.

Good news:
I can {almost} see the entirety of my garage floor.  Methinks I will be able to park in there soon.  As soon as ARC makes a stop to N. Sunbird Ave that is...

What yard sale blunders have you lived and learn from?  What has made is successful?  Share some thoughts!

Much love,

*Update: Punish your tummy and check out the goodies made here on the Good Eats page.  I warn you now to not make them all at once... For more scrumptious bites check out my Pinterest page!

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