Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What doin?

I'm out for the night with the pre-cold sniffles and sore throat (ick). Usually in a situation like this I would go on with the rest of my day, make dinner, finish the laundry-yadda yadda yadda...But I've got a race on Saturday (just a 5k-but still!) so I'm resting my weary bones and it feels great--other than my drippy nose and inflamed throat.

While I'm on the couch I think to myself-why don't I do this every time I've gotten home from a long day?!  I'm beginning to think I'm nutty not too!  Methinks that a lot of us run too hard for too long and to that I say:

Pop in a show for the kids and have some overdue r&r!!

So for funners let's do a hash tag linky thing. ( Maybe while I'm down I'll look up what it's really called. )

Show me what you're doin tonight;
-what you're cookin, what shows are big on your list for this evening, who you with-whatevs!

Hash tag:
 #whatdoin #spunkyandme @spunkyandme

I'll pick my fave and regram on my instagram @spunkyandme so if you aren't already on there following-Hop To It Bok Choy!  

Can't wait to see your pics!!

Much love

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